Trip to Woongooroo Estate Winery
Our February bus trip was on what was one of the wettest day of the month but that didn’t matter to the thirty four members that went and...

December Bus Trip
For our last trip in 2023, 36 of us headed off to enjoy an End of Year Feast at Redbank Plains Tavern. We stopped at Rocks Riverside Park...

Bus trip to the Fox & Hound
We had a rather early start to our monthly bus trip, seven-thirty to be exact. We had morning tea at Logan Reserve and with plenty of...

Tour of the Port of Brisbane
A most interesting morning for us having a tour of the Port of Brisbane. After stopping at Colmslie Recreation Reserve for our usual ...

Trip to Carnival of Flowers
September bus trip was to the Carnival of Flowers in Toowoomba. Although it was an early start, it was a very busy day. Heading ...

Bus trip to Mulgowie Hotel
We had a very pleasant day on our monthly bus trip. We stopped at Swanbank for morning tea then went on to a real country pub, The ...

Christmas in July at Coolum Beach Hotel
As usual, our bus trip day was beautiful weather-wise. Off to Golden Beach for morning tea. Paul, not John (in joke) was delighted with...

June Bus Trip to Awassi Cheesery
Set off on Friday to Woop Woop. That's the place that is out in the wilds of the country. Grantham actually, and in a lovely valley with...

Trip to The Barn & Scotty's Garage
In April our bus trip took us to Flagstaff, to visit The Barn & Scotty’s Garage. On the way we stopped at Lake Apex Park in Gatton for...

Wolston Farmhouse
27 of us headed off on a very hot autumn day for our trip to Wolston Farmhouse. Stopped for a lovely morning tea at Rocks Riverside Park...