August Monthly Meeting
We had 95 members and guest at our August meeting and 12 apologies. This was our largest attendance in some time. Bruce Scammell was our...
June Monthly Meeting
78 Members and visitors attended our June monthly meeting in the Redcliffe RSL. The President presented Anna Welch from QIMR with a...

Monthly Meeting
We had 76 members and visitors attend our monthly meeting at the Redcliffe RSL on Friday 25 May. Anthea Coe, representing Hummingbird...

66 Members attended our monthly meeting today at Redcliffe RSL. There were about 15 people who could not attend for various reasons. Very...

2017 AGM
Following our normal monthly meeting last Friday (28 July), we held our AGM. President thanks all the hard working committee for their...

November Monthly Meeting
69 people attended our monthly meeting today held at the Redcliffe RSL. There were a number of members away on trips or from sickness....