Contact Us
National Seniors Redcliffe Branch
Where do we meet . . .
Redcliffe Golf Club
Handsworth St, Clontarf QLD 4019
We meet at 10am the last Friday of every Month*.
*Excluding December
You need to be members of National Seniors Australia to join the Redcliffe Branch, you can do that at our meetings or directly with NSA. To see the fees to join NSA click on the link.
Call Us - Redcliffe Your Local Branch
President - Kate Hopkins 0418 875 300
Secretary - Rodney Liddell 07 3385 9902
Trips & Tours - Les Dickens 07 3284 8812
Want to know more?
Then complete the Form below,
Please complete all your details
on the form below and we will
be in contact soon.
National Seniors Australia is not only the leading independent voice for over 50s in this country, but also your gateway to a diverse range of exclusive member-only benefits. Join now online, call our membership team on 1300 76 50 50 or download and complete the membership application form here.