Bus Trip - Bayside Breezes
There were 47 of us that headed off on our last bus trip (Friday 19 Feb) – Bayside Breezes. Travelled down the Gateway going through some rain crossing over the Gateway Bridge, but the rain had stopped by the time we arrived at Cleveland Point near the Old Cleveland Lighthouse. We stopped there for about 35 minutes and had a very nice morning tea.

Back on the coach for a drive around Victoria Point before arriving at Redland Bay Ferry Terminal at Weinam Creek for our cruise around the islands. Here we boarded the normal ferry service for a cruise around Russell, Lamb, Macleay & Karragarra Islands which took just under an hour (See map below).
We then headed off to Redland Bay Golf Club for a nice 2 course lunch with tea & Coffee overlooking the golf course. Some of us enjoyed a nice cold drink or two. Drew the raffle on the coach before heading home. Took the scenic route home via Lota, Manly & Wynnum onto Port of Brisbane Motorway and then onto Gateway. Had good travelling until about Boondall where we slowed down before taking the Redcliffe exit arriving home just on 4 PM The weather was kind to us, and great day had by all.