Tour of Cane fields around Jacobs Well and Cabbage Tree Point
We headed off on our bus trip under very cloudy skies picking up our tour guide at Yatala before heading to check out the Gilberton and Woongoolba areas. Had hope to see the sugarcane being harvested and the sugar mill operating, but unfortunately did not see any action. It looks like the fields were too wet to harvest, so the mill was not going. Headed down to Cabbage Tree Point for morning tea on the waterfront overlooking Moreton Bay. Whilst it did not rain it was windy and cool, so did not stay long.
Then went on to check out Jacobs Well and the canal development of Calypso Bay before heading to Pimpama Tavern for a very nice two course lunch. It started to rain during lunch and stayed for the rest of the day.
After lunch we drove down the old Pacific Highway to Coomera past the new large shopping centre there and had a look at a lot of very expensive boats being built, repaired and sold along the Coomera River. Then checked out Dreamworld before heading back up the Highway to drop off out tour guide at Yatala Pies. People had time to purchase some pies before we headed home. Had a fairly good run home even with the traffic. Our tour guide was full of knowledge of the area and was very informative.
Despite the bleak day and wet afternoon everyone had an enjoyable time.